These dissipating devices increase the structural damping and rigidity. The shape of the ADAS dissipating devices allows the entire element to have plastic flexural double curvature and TADAS has a simple curvature.

The ADAS are made up of steel plates in the shape of an hour-glass, with dimensions b 1 in the widest part and b 2 in the narrowest section whereas the shape of the TADAS is triangular with dimension b 1, in the widest part in the case of the two dissipating devices, h is the height of the dissipating device and t is the thickness of one of the plates that may be steel or alloys of copper, zinc and aluminum (Heresi, 2012). One way to systematically reinforce structures is with the use of ADAS (Added damping and stiffness) or TADAS (Triangular plate added damping and stiffness) dissipating devices on steel Chevron braces, as shown in Figure 1 (Whittaker et al.

Keywords: ADAS or TADAS energy dissipator, chevron braces, pushover For this last case, the dissipating element is analyzed in two ways, to the first the dissipating element stiffness matrix is found and to the second some rectangular segments of constant section are considered to model the dissipating element. To whole dissipating-brace system two models are shown, the first is by two equivalent braces and the second is considering the dissipating element like a short element. In this article the most important aspects are present to find the resistant seismic capacity curve of a reinforced concrete or steel plane frame, with ADAS or TADAS energy dissipators above Chevron Braces, using the Pushover technique.

ECUADORĬEINCI-LAB is a computer software developed using MATLAB for static or dynamic structural analysis, in a friendly way and simultaneously serves the user to reinforce structural knowledge. * Universidad de Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Quito.

A free software to find the seismic capacity curve of frames with ADAS or TADAS dissipators