Start Menu => All Programs => Accessories => Run => Type: regedit => OK.Manually edit the following registry key if it is installed. Then return to the security tab and edit to grant full control as shown above.ģ. Under "Security" tab click: "Advanced" => "Change Permissions" => Untick: "Include inheritable permissions from this objects parents" => Click: "Add" in the pop-up window => Apply => OK.Note: If the option to edit the entries under "Group or user names" is grayed out, take the following steps: Under "Permissions for System", tick: "Full Control" => Apply => Do the same for every entry => OK => Close. Under "Security Tab" click: Edit => Under "Group or user names", the first entry is highlighted.Right click the file "msoe.dll" => Properties => Security Tab => Advanced => Owner Tab => Edit => Highlight User Name => Apply => OK => OK.Download and run "WinCalEdit.reg" from the attachments below.Import Windows Calendar as per the following post here.To enable Windows Calendar in Windows Mail.

eml files still cannot be opened on the desktop, it may be necessary to manually edit the registry as per "Footnote 3".ĥ. Right click: WinMail.exe => Send to desktop as a shortcut.*Note: If it will not allow the paste, take full control of the Win7 "msoe.dll" manually as per "Footnote 2" below, and then paste. Paste this file into the Windows Mail Folder in Win7 Program files, replacing the existing Win7 "msoe.dll".Download and save the appropriate Vista Windows Mail "msoe.dll" file from the attachments: In Windows Mail folder => Right click: "msoe.dll" file => In drop down menu click: Take Ownership.Ĥ.It includes a 2nd file, "Remove Take Ownership", if needed. Download and run "Add Take Ownership" from attachments.Open the "Windows Mail" folder in Program files, and take full control of the file "msoe.dll". How to Import Windows Mail files from Vista to Win7:ģ. Do NOT paste it into the 32bit Program Files(x86).įootnote 3 - at bottom of page: Shows a picture of the location of Program Files & Program Files(x86) And it must be pasted into the Windows Mail folder in the normal 64bit Program Files. If you're using a 64 bit version of Win7: It will be necessary to import the 64bit Vista Windows Mail file "msoe.dll".However, in some environments Windows Live Mail has caused conflicts, and had to be uninstalled.

This procedure should work even with another email client installed.